Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digit in Rhombus-new 35Pf Value, 1919, Michel Nr. 132; A new 35Pf nominal was issued in 1919. This was the first stamp issued under the Republic of Wuerttemberg.
With the German revolution near the end of World War I, the Kingdom of Wuerttemberg was transformed from a monarchy to a democratic republic without bloodshed; its borders and internal administration remained unchanged. King William II abdicated on 30 November 1918. Following the introduction of a new constitution (significantly amended later in the year) by an assembly elected in January and the Weimar Constitution in 1919. Wuerttemberg was re-established as a member state of the German Reich. (Wikipedia)
Here is the mint stamp mint hinged
In order to introduce the new stamp to the general public specimen copies of the stamp were released by postal authorities to the press. In order to avoid that these samples were used in order to harm the post they were overprinted with „Probe zur Frankatur nicht verwendbar“ (Specimen not valid as postage). Here the mint hinged specimen of the 25Pf stamp.
and here the 35Pf stamp cancelled to order with a Stuttgart canceler. This canceler was never used in actual postal operations and is worth only a fraction of postally cancelled stamps.
Hers is the stamp with the special cancel that was produced for the Constitutional Assembly in Stuttgart. Signed „inflation“.
Registration Nr. 00300
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