Wuerttemberg, Republic, City Views-Final Issue, March 25th, 1920, Michel Nr. 272-281; The issuance of this set is more of a nod to sentimentality than actual need. The State of Wuerttemberg decided to give up its postal sovereignty. On March 25th, 1920 a set with ten stamps in the nominals of 10Pf, 15Pf, 20Pf, 30Pf, 50Pf, 75Pf, 1M, 1.25M, 2.5M and 3M were issued in perforation 14.5:14.75 and with the water mark „Rings“ (WZ2). The stamps however became invalid already a week later as they could only be used until March 31st. 1920. This makes used stamps or stamps on letters pretty rare.
Here is the complete mint (hinged) set.
Beware of cancelled to order set such as this one. They were cancelled with the large „Stuttgart“ circular canceler that was never used for regular postal operations. It was solely used for philatelic cancellations. Such stamps are worth less than 1/20th of a postally used set. Only the 2.50M stamp has a postal cancel from Reutlingen.
Imperforate trial prints in the issued colors are known. Here is the entire imperforate mint trial print set (without gum). Listed in Michel under 272PU1-281-PU1.
Imperforate color trial proofs are also known. They were used to decide the optimal color came for the various nominals. Below are the 10Pf stamp in black-violet (Michel Nr. 272 PU2), 15Pf in black-blue-green (Michel Nr. 273 PU2), 30Pf grey-violet (Michel Nr. 272 PU2), 30Pf greenish-olive (Michel Nr. 272 PU3), 30Pf middle-ultramarine (Michel Nr. 272 PU4), 50Pf brown (Michel Nr. 276 PU5) , 75Pf greenish-olive (Mi chef Nr. 277 PU4) and 75Pf dark-greenish-blue (Michel Nr. 277 PU3). All stamps are mint never hinged.
Registration Nr. 00530
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