Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digit in Rhombus-new 35Pf Value, 1919, Michel Nr. 132; A new 35Pf nominal was issued in 1919. This was the first stamp issued under the Republic…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, 2 1/2Pf Stamp overprinted „2“, 1919, Michael Nr. 133; In 1919 the 2 1/2 Pf stamp (Michel Nr. 119) was overprinted with a large „2“ in…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digits in Rhombus-Overprinted „Volksstaat Württemberg“, July 1919, Michel Nr. 134-143; Some of the digit in Rhombus stamps with water mark were overprinted in order to document…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, Deer, March 19th, 1920, Michel Nr. 144-149; Six stamps in nominals of 10Pf, 15Pf, 20Pf, 30Pf, 50Pf and 75Pf were issued in perforation 14.5:14.75. The stamps…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digits in Rhombus-New Values and/or Colors, January 1921, Michel Nr. 150-158; Nine stamps were issued in the nominals of 10Pf, 15Pf, 20Pf, 40Pf, 50Pf, 60Pf, 1.25…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digits in Rhombus-Overprinted with new Values, December, 1922, Michel Nr. 159-170; With Germany having lost World War I an armistice was announced in October of 1918.…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digits in Rhomus-Overprinted with new Values 1923, August 10th, 1923, Michel Nr. 171-183; With inflation continuing to surge postal authorities overprinted additional old stamps wit new…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digits in Rhombus overprinted with new Currency Values, December 1923, Michel Nr. 184-188; On December of 1923 the German Government introduced a new currency in order to…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, 50Pf Stamp with additional Overprint, February 1st, 1919, Michel Nr. 255; Michel Nr. 235b was overprinted with „50 Pf“ in order to avoid any mistaken the…
Wuerttemberg, Republic, Digit in Sign-New Value, 1919, Michel Nr. 256; A new 35Pf stamp was issued in perforation 11.5:11.0. Here is the postally used stamp canceled with the…